Thursday, May 21, 2015

【iOS/Android】How to use Max Townhall near Edge/Townhall Distance From Edge in Clash of Clans

Guide for Max Townhall Distance From Edge in COC

The Mod v.2.6.2 works ONLY for iOS 7.65.2 and the Mod v.1.6.3 ONLY works for Android COC 7.65.5. So dearest Xmod clashers, please kindly update the game and the mod to the latest version.

What is the feature

Townhall near Edge/Max Townhall Distance from Edge: a "Search Loot" condition that helps you filter villages with townhalls located at the outer ring of map.

So you can attack these easy-to-win villages for trophy hunting.
On iOS, it's called "Townhall near Edge" and has the same function.

How to use

1. The value you put in the scroll bar means the max. filtering distance from the edge (measured in tiles).

 The value 0 is by defalut null and set the condition OFF. “20” covers the entire map. The feature defines a Ring-like area with the width (0~max distance) to scan for satisfying townhall .

2. For example, 10 means max. Distance is 10 tiles counting from the edge.

If the townhall falls in the ring-like area, it'll meet the condition and the search'll stop. In this case the condition only searches villages with townhall that are located outside the area with black cross. Yellow circle shows the townhall.

3. The smaller the value, the smaller the area, also the more outside will be the townhall, but at the same time, the harder it is to find a match. Here’s an example of max. 5 tiles away from edge.

You can see the probability of the townhall falling into the outer area becomes much smaller. 

Caution: The condition is pretty rigid. When combined with other conditions, think twice and always check if you cannot find a match for a long time.

The recommended condition range for intermediate users or above is betwee 5~10. You can adjust the tile value to better meet search need at your own level.

Attached is the tutorial video for the feature.

Credit :Xmodgames Team (for the mod)

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