Thursday, May 21, 2015

【iOS/Android】How to use Max Townhall near Edge/Townhall Distance From Edge in Clash of Clans

Guide for Max Townhall Distance From Edge in COC

The Mod v.2.6.2 works ONLY for iOS 7.65.2 and the Mod v.1.6.3 ONLY works for Android COC 7.65.5. So dearest Xmod clashers, please kindly update the game and the mod to the latest version.

What is the feature

Townhall near Edge/Max Townhall Distance from Edge: a "Search Loot" condition that helps you filter villages with townhalls located at the outer ring of map.

So you can attack these easy-to-win villages for trophy hunting.
On iOS, it's called "Townhall near Edge" and has the same function.

How to use

1. The value you put in the scroll bar means the max. filtering distance from the edge (measured in tiles).

 The value 0 is by defalut null and set the condition OFF. “20” covers the entire map. The feature defines a Ring-like area with the width (0~max distance) to scan for satisfying townhall .

2. For example, 10 means max. Distance is 10 tiles counting from the edge.

If the townhall falls in the ring-like area, it'll meet the condition and the search'll stop. In this case the condition only searches villages with townhall that are located outside the area with black cross. Yellow circle shows the townhall.

3. The smaller the value, the smaller the area, also the more outside will be the townhall, but at the same time, the harder it is to find a match. Here’s an example of max. 5 tiles away from edge.

You can see the probability of the townhall falling into the outer area becomes much smaller. 

Caution: The condition is pretty rigid. When combined with other conditions, think twice and always check if you cannot find a match for a long time.

The recommended condition range for intermediate users or above is betwee 5~10. You can adjust the tile value to better meet search need at your own level.

Attached is the tutorial video for the feature.

Credit :Xmodgames Team (for the mod)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

【Tutorial】Rules and Regulations and New Features Guide for Xmodgames iOS Beta v.2.0

Welcome to Forum of Xmodgames. Above all else Xmodgames Forum serves to provide a safe, secure and user-friendly environment for fans of all ages to share and discover their love for COC/Boom Beach, etc. by means of news, videos,pictures and discussion. A constructive, respectful and welcoming approach is required from all members at all times. 


Here’s the Rules and regulations & New Features Guide

1. Advertising another Forum or Website is not allowed. This includes (but is not limited to): threads, username and portrait.
2. Do not spam! A spam post is a post that provides no value to the discussion, or a thread that creates nuisance for others. Threads are considered spam when they are duplicates, or devoid of valuable content. Replying to spam is not permitted either.

3.No racism, harassment, politics, vulgar language, or pornographic material.
4. Users will NOT attempt to impersonate Staff Members in any way.
5. Please give your Mod Request/Feedbacks to the pin post“xxxxx”.

6.If you saw a post and you think it’s inappropriate, feel free to report it to admin. :) 

If you break one or more of these rules, you will get :
 Post deleted
 Account banned without warning
More rules may be added without notice. It is your responsibility to check this thread from time to time.

Guide For New Features:

How to use the new feature “Capture”:
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the rules please contact us through 2 ways:
1.     Click your portrait→Enter Settings→ Feedback→And remember to check your email! 

2.     Send us email to:
Thank you!

How to use the new feature “Capture”
Click the Xbot icon to open the floating window.

Click “Capture”

When you finish editing your post, tap outside the floating window then you can find the button of “Post” on the top-right corner.

How to use the new feature“Record”
Click the Xbot icon to open the floating window.

Click “Record”                                        

The video gadget moduleappears! Click “Video” button to manage your recorded videos ; Click “Settings” to set video quality and saved location.

When recording finished, save your video in local memory or share it to forum directly! You can find recorded videos in “Video” to the left of the module.

Don’t hesitate to start your journey of NEW Xmodgames!

Credit: Xmodgames Team

Friday, May 15, 2015

【iOS/Android】How to Mod Boom Beach with Free Xmodgmes


• Keep Active
• Simulate Attack
• Simulate Statues Building (***New Feature)
Instructions for Installation of Xmodgames in iDevice:

Instructions for Activation:
1.    Install the game first as usual and update it if necessary.
2.Open the App 'xmodgames' from HomeScreen.

3.Make sure you have downloaded and installed Boom Beach from App Store before installing or updating the mod. To install the mod, click on the entry of Boom Beach in Mod Menu.

4.When the mod is successfully launched, you should see a “X” button around the right edge of the screen. 

5. Tapping on the x button, we can see three features of the mod: Keep Active, Simulate Attack and Simulate Statues Building. The walkthrough focuses on the last one.
  • Keep active (Turning it ON, you never get attacked while the App is active, not in multi-tasking)
  • Simulate attack (Turn it ON to simulate an attack when you visit or scout (not attack). It serves as a tactical practice so you can see whether you can beat your opponent. The game restarts after the battle ends and you won’t lose or gain anything)
6. The last powerful feature simulates the statues (with whatever attribute) you will get in the building sequence you set. The main idea is to predict what you get, avoid wasting crystals and save your time. To activate, first turn it ON in the menu. Caution: Simulate Attack must be OFF to use Simulate Statues Building.

7. With this simulation, you can check future statue attributes in the order you put. Remember to write down the info of each of them, the ordinal number in the building sequence included.

For example, No.1 is Iron production +24% and No.2 is Defensive building damage +11%, etc. You can also speed up the building with diamonds during the simulation.

8. When you turn the switch OFF. The game will restart and all resources spent will be restored. With the info of the statues to come at hand, you can decide whether they’re worthy of investing the crystals or not. The fixed order will change on any update of the game.

Here is the tutorial video! The best statue building assistant tool ever for Boom Beach. All solidiers are ready for duty!

Improvement of "Simulate Statues Building" of Boom Beach Mod:

Detailed Guide of how to use Boom Beach Features:

Xmodgames Team (for the mod)

Friday, May 8, 2015

【iOS/Android】Plausible methods to get reliable info for setting Enemy Castle Troops in Clash of Clans

1. Past battle replay in clan war.

There are two chances for each target now.
So if your clanmate attacked a target once, you can see from the replay what troops they used in their clan castle and set Enemy Troops accordingly in Sandbox Attack for the next attack.

2. Spy on opponent’s clans with other account to see what is lured out of the castle.

This is because you can still trigger hidden objects and Enemy castle troops when sandboxing your clanmate.

3. Rely on collective experience or make an intuitive guess
You can ask Elderly or Team Leader for help. Don’t worry, we will continue to provide more walkthroughs to help you figure out possible location of hidden objects and common cc troop lineups in battle.

【iOS/Android】Comprehensive Introduction to New Sandbox Features for Clash of Clans

#Xtutorial  Comprehensive Introduction to New Sandbox Features

In the iOS 2.6.3 mod for COC 7.65.2, Android 1.6.6 mod for 7.65.5 ONLY (to make sure it works, plz update the game and mod to the latest version.)

First of all, Big Surprise as Promised 

You can Use 【RealTime Traps/Tesla】 feature to show traps/teslas in REAL battles and replays.

Plz make sure to update the game and the mod to run the features. 

When turned ON, it can reveal and trigger traps and tesla towers in real battle and replay.
It works in real battle and replay. Turn it ON and restart the modded game to activate.  

Note: In realtime battle, there are cases in which your troops step on the traps without triggering them. That is because the traps were triggered before and your opponent have not repaired it yet.

There are three subfeatures now in Sandbox.

-Set target’s castle troops/ Enemy Troops
-Set own troops/ Self Troops
-Set Spells

★Set target’s castle troops/ Enemy Troops
This is a make-up feature for not being able to trigger troops in enemy’s clan castle (cc) in old Sandbox. Sandbox cannot get info of clan castle and hidden objects now but we can manually add them.

***Enemy Troops configuration gets data of castle troops donated by your clanmates before and edits the Enemy Castle based on this data.

~The amount of troops available is subject to your current castle housing space in Sandbox. The maximum housing space limit is 35 as clan castle at full level.

~The type and the highest level of castle troops available is also dependent on troops received from your clanmates.

How to add troop info to enemy’s cc
1.Tap on the ‘x’ button to configurate.
2.Open Sandbox first and tap on the feature to enable it. (for iOS users, make sure that Sandbox Attack and Search Switch are not ON at the same time. We’ll make them compatible again in later versions)

3.When you open the feature, you can see icons of different units. The number shows how many units you’ve set(can be at different levels). Units of a type are grouped in the same icon. You can tap "Clear" to reset the data.

4. Set what you want to add by tapping on an icon. There pops up another box where you can define the unit’s level together with the amount you want to add.For example, we put 35 level 6 barbarians to target’s castle (I received level 6 barbarians from my clanmates before).You can tap "Clear" to reset the data.

5. When you use sandbox attack in visiting or scouting, you can see 35 barbarians lured out of the castle now!

★Set own troops/ Self Troops
This feature helps you change cc troops while testing tactics & maneuveurs of different kinds soyou don’t have to train or wait till all troops are ready.

***Self Troops only uses troop data of your own base (i.e. your Barracks and Laboratory).
~Only unlocked troops you've used can be editted or added;
~All edited troops will have your current levels.

How to use Set own troops
1.Tap on the ‘x’ button to configurate.
2.Open Sandbox first and tap on the feature to enable it. (for iOS users, make sure that Sandbox Attack and Search Switch are not ON at the same time. We’ll make them compatible again in later versions)

3.When you open the feature, you can see icons of different units. Click on an icon to add units you want by setting the number in the input box.

4.Now you can have unlimited troops of your own for practice when sandboxing (Visit or Scout) others . Clear the settings if you want to reset and play with your original troops in base.

★Set Spells

You can Set Spells Combo in Sandbox Attack so that you can deploy different spells for different troops combos for PRACTICE.

Steps to Set Spells:
1. Make sure to turn ON Sandbox Attack first then tap on Set Spells.

2. You can set the type and amount of spells you want to add in Sandbox.

Note: Only unlocked spells you've used can appear in Sandbox and the spell levels depend on the upgrade level of your research lab.

Beware Xmod’s Mage’s Rage,muhaha!!!

Official Video

Thanks for the cooperation. Xmodgames is the Best FREE Game Mod Center that features healthy game mods to the gamers and its developers.

We have released a new feature in search loot called Town Hall Near Edge.
Check how it is used.

Xmodgames Team (for the mod)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

【Guide】Common Solutions to "Oops Page" popping up and Clash of Clans crashing in XMG

#‎Xnotice About X button disappearing ,"Oops Page" appearing and Clash of Clans (COC)crashing in XMG.

★If u can not see “X” in COC, plz follow the steps below:
1. Uninstall xmod
2. Download the latest xmod from XMG official site:
3. Install x.apk
4. Check whether COC has been listed in “My Game”
5. Install COC mod 1.4.1
6. Launch COC
★If "Opps page" appears,u can try to:
1.Reboot your device and give permission through superuser.
2.Visit the solution guide made by our warm-hearted fans:
★If COC crashes in XMG,u should also check:
1.Whether XMG version is the newest one?
2.Whether your current COC mod supports the game version u have?
(u can check it in Mod Description)
3.Then power off the phone and restart XMG.
4.If it still fails to work after finishing the three steps listed above,
try to reroot the phone and repeat the steps.
 ★Although Sandbox is under repair, search loot and other games of XMG ar fine,plz keep on launching everyday!We need your support!